Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You My Bitch Now!!!!!!!!

One of the things I believe that cements a friendship is the ability to laugh through the rough times. I recall one such time with great fondness. Jamie (a dear friend) and I were at the hospital visiting with a couple we both loved dearly. Wanda was on her death bed (I miss Wanda so much!) and Bud stood by like an empty man not know what to do. All we could do was show our love for them both by being there with the family.
It was a very emotional night. A night that seems to drain all the physical energy from your body and soul. Many tears were shed as Bud and Wanda's sons, brothers, sisters and friends mourned over the situation. Needless to say there was lots of hugging and crying going on.
Jamie and I left the hospital about 2:30 am. The night was dark, the roads were quite and we shared very little as we headed toward home. Suddenly a thought came across my mind about something that had happened just earlier at the hospital and I began to laugh. When Jamie asked what I was laughing about I laughed more, so much more I couldn't get the words out. Soon I had to stop the car in the middle of the highway because I couldn't see where I was going. I was laughing so hard and now Jamie is laughing just because I'm laughing. After a few minutes of not being able to breathe I was able to catch my breath enough to put a few words together.
I said "I............kisssssssed........... Henrrrrry!" (Bud's brother)
"What???!!!" "We were hugging and crying and I think I kissed him on the neck or the cheek or something!!!!"
The breathing stopped again. My mind went black as we rolled around the front of the car each trying to find some pocket of oxygen that had not yet escaped the vehicle. After about 10 minutes of pain we both composed ourselves enough to speak. He asked, "What did he say?" I said "Nothing." Then Jamie looked right in my eyes and said "I bet he was thinking - YOU MY BITCH NOW!" Black again!
I don't remember how we made our way home. I'm only thankful there is no traffic on that road at 3am. That phrase lives in mind and is added to list of phrases that configures up great memories. I'm thankful I have such friends with whom I can share such times. Life just wouldn't be worth living with them!

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