Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Joy - Disappointment

Tomorrow, my wife, daughter and I will be traveling to Chicago. My son is graduation from Navy boot camp on Friday. We were planning on spending a nice weekend with our son after not seeing him for nine weeks, however, I received a phone call from him this afternoon. He said he received his orders today and he will be leaving Friday afternoon for Pensacola, Fl. We may have one hour to see him after the graduation and he will be gone again. Of course we are very proud of our son, but this was a great disappointment to us.

Life is full of disappointments. Sometimes we bring them on ourselves and sometimes they are dealt to us. Never the less, they are hard to endure. I hope this weekend will bring some joy in seeing the graduation because the last few weeks have been very tough. I'm sure I'll have some great pictures to post in a few days.


aaronkallner said...

Hey Scott,

Sorry about the timing issues. I pray for a safe trip and that you all can enjoy the time you get to spend together. Hope that Matthew will be happy to be in Florida. Now you guys have a great excuse to vacation in Florida.

Have a blessed day,


Anonymous said...


We were glad that your disappointment turned to joy when you found out you had a full weekend with Matthew. We've been there and done that already, so we know how you cherished the time together. I'm sure you discovered how he had changed in just 9 wks. I know that you're proud of your "soldier". Love, Sharon