Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm tired! The wife and I have been working on the house getting ready for my son's graduation this weekend. We decided several months ago to do something about the 15 year old carpet in the living room. I really didn't see a problem but she wanted hardwood floors. Well, hardwood floors in the living room meant they would have to go through the dining room directly open to the living room. OK, but if you put flooring in the dining room which is open to the kitchen which really needs some new floors because the vinyl floor has a few cuts and burn marks after 15 years of wear.
We always wanted to open the wall from the kitchen to the living room. We are open space people and our kitchen was kind of a galley kitchen that felt more like a hallway with appliances. If we have to put in new floors we better tear out the wall because it will be very difficult to do that later after new hardwood floors have been put down. Tearing out a wall means fixing the ceiling where the old wall was, rewiring recepticals and of course the old cabinets will not fit the new layout of the room. The old light fixtures are not where they need to be in the new kitchen and the new layout would be more open and user friendly if the dining room is made into a sitting room and the living room is made into a dining room all possible if the chandlier is moved and the ceiling fan moved and she always wanted an island bar in the kitchen and the refrigerator moved out of the corner and a pantry built into an old closet that we don't use any more -- but the door is going into the wrong room, but if we move that door and take out a bathroom door we will have more space for a wall unit in the family room....
I'm tired! The wife and I have been working on the house getting ready for my son's graduation this weekend.

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