Monday, April 21, 2008

"How in the world did I get talked into this!"

I've been in training! Somehow I've been talked into riding this big bicycle ride from Columbus to Portsmouth next month. For a while, when I would get on my bike to ride, the first few miles I would be thinking, "How in the world did I get talked into this!" Saturday morning I rode with some friends about 30 miles up and down some pretty good hills and I did better than I thought I would. I actually liked the ride! Then I got this great idea to train on this big hill that is close to where I work. I mean it's a big hill - actually it's two hills and my thought was I would get as far up it as I could the first few times then see how much farther I could go as my training progressed. Well, I just got back from riding to the top of the big hill on the first try! Then I rode another ten miles afterward! I guess I can do more than I think I can.

It's kinda like that with me and God. When I follow his lead and looking out over where he's taking me I think I'll never make it. But as you work your way along, downshifting when you need, keeping a steady pace, pretty soon you are looking over the valley on the other side. And that hill just didn't seem as big as I was making it. God created the hills! He knew what he was doing and I like relying on him to get me up to the top!


Anonymous said...

Scotty G - in the song "Lead of Love." by Caedmon's Call, it says "I had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view, looking back I see the lead of love."

This is a great post...and I'm looking forward to the ride with you guys.

I appreciate how you used it to illustrate a greater ride...our ride through life with God.

Thanks for the encouragement...

irmalee said...


I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Love You Mom

Scotty G said...

jamie, thanks for your support and for talking me into this ride...(I think) Love ya dude

mom, I love you too!