Friday, March 28, 2008

Tulsa Workshop

Well, I'm writing this post from then International Soul Winning Workshop in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I've really been fed these last few days and am thinking that when we get back home, we need to work on a workshop of our own for Sunshine. I'm brainstorming a little bit here and could use as many ideas as I can get. I would like to work on increasing the PASSION of reaching out to people in our community with the love of Christ. Ways to establish relationships with lost people who need to know the Lord. Feel free to post any ideas you might have in this area.
We seem to rely on inviting people into the church assembly as the main way of teaching the Word, when actually the Word says we are to GO into the world with the word. GO does not mean we have to go to the other side of the world to reach people, it could be GO down the street. The story of the good Samaritan is a good example of how to be a good neighbor. I always thought of this story as applying to me as an individual, but what could we accomplish if we took this view of our neighbor as a group and apply the lesson to areas where the need is in our community now!

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